Performance 0% Return All
0% Return
Return YTD -
Return 2Y -39.95%
Risk Score
Profitable Weeks 100.00%
About AnyoneNowadaysUnited Kingdom
About AnyoneNowadays
United Kingdom I am AnyoneNowadays, I could be anywhere, I could be any person, even you!
My strategy is; I like money, so I want more money, if I lose money I have less money which makes me sad face emoji, laughing face emoji, tilted laughing face emoji (so it looks like I am falling over laughing with 2 face emojis).
I have no interest in you copying or following me, I use this account to reinvest winning's I have gotten from CMC Markets, but I have to admit I do find the set-up here slightly better, messing around with leverages was fun.
If you have any questions, try using Google, Wikipedia, Twitter or even Quora if you're desperate enough :D (goatee face emoji).
Peace out... Warmongers in.
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