Well, someone has to tell you the truth... This and the following months will be brutal to all of our portfolios But Some portfolios are very vulnerable for this major correction going on, other portfolios are not. Losing 5-10% within the next weeks/months may appear insane, but most traders on this platforms will lose way above 15-20% And it doesn't even matter, how much copiers they have. I've seen portfolios from traders with 5000 copiers crashing down 5% in September already. Don't walk around with closed eyes and look out for portfolios who have not dropped to hard right now and how have little to zero tech-stock exploitation. There are a few copy traders providing this, including me, so my advice is to not invest at all and leaving potential profits on the table or to make very wise choices. However, please don't buy any tech stocks rn. Shorting is alright. $NVDA (NVIDIA Corporation) (NVIDIA Corporation) $TM (Toyota Motor Corporation-ADR) (Toyota Motor Corporation-ADR) $META (Meta Platforms Inc) (Meta Platforms Inc) $GOOG (Alphabet) (Alphabet) $AMZN (Amazon.com Inc) (Amazon.com Inc) $AAPL (Apple) (Apple) $BRK.B (Berkshire Hathaway Inc) (Berkshire Hathaway Inc) $TRX
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