Quick touch base for one operational announcement and a small commentary. The Macchia69 Telegram Channel has been replaced by the Macchia69 Telegram Group. All remaining 24 subscribers to the Channel, please move across with the link here . This change is due to a misunderstanding on my part regarding the permissions allowed for members in each type of community. Nonetheless, I do not rule out the possibility of setting up another channel in the future if there is a need for it. For now, the group perfectly fulfils the function I envisioned – providing a space to ask questions or engage in discussions on all issues related to the copy that may not be addressed in the platform posts or on the website. The new year has started rather subdued for the portfolio – a good first week, an okay second week so far. $AMZN ( Inc) is hedging closer to the point of sale, so is $SPLV . $SBSW (Sibanye Stillwater Ltd-ADR) is still languishing around $5, and the long dark cloud of high interest rates is keeping the US commercial property market in the shadows, causing $VNQ to move nowhere fast. An interesting debate, sparked by an exchange with a copier in the past few days, revolves around the impact of the 2024 global election year on $UK100 . Markets do what they do – they make prices – and they will go up and down until equilibrium is reached. In my opinion the only difference these 2024 'known unknowns' will have on fluctuations is to make them a little larger and less predictable in the short term. What they won’t do, again in my opinion, is to display the transformative power exhibited by 'unknown unknowns' like COVID19 or SUB-PRIME08. Happy investing and trading. Alex P.S. I'm sharing this down here as I don’t like to boast, and I can’t quite believe it either, but I passed the 2M AUM. So, thank you to all of you out there putting your trust in this project. I’m humbled.
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