🎯 Get πŸ’― dividend paying companies, invest and hold for a steady monthly income. Copy @DariusCodrea πŸ’ΌπŸ“Š 🌍 "The 100" - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT πŸ”Š πŸ—“ On June 4 to June 7/2024: πŸ”Š $SWK (Stanley Black & Decker Inc) - Ex dividend date on June 4th πŸ”Š $SU (Suncor Energy Inc.) - Ex dividend date on June 4th πŸ”Š $DIV - Ex dividend date on June 5th πŸ”Š $SDIV - Ex dividend date on June 5th πŸ”Š $MAIN (Main Street Capital Corp.) - EX dividend date on June 6th πŸ”Š $KHC (The Kraft Heinz Company) - Ex dividend date on June 6th πŸ”Š $BAC (Bank of America Corp) - Ex dividend date on June 7th πŸ’΅πŸ’ΈA great week to copy "the πŸ’―" dividend focused portfolio. Follow for more updates on "the 100 portfolio". Our goal is to have daily dividends and a steady income based on a long term investment and continuous research of the market.πŸ›πŸ—“