⭐️ Crude Oil Faces Pressure Amid Mixed Global Signals The oil market experienced its third consecutive day of decline on Tuesday thus far, influenced by a combination of economic data and market dynamics. 1️⃣ Chinese Economic Slowdown: - Q2 GDP rose 4.7%, below expectations and previous values - June retail sales increased only 2.0% y/y, the slowest in 14 months - June new home prices declined for the 13th consecutive month 2️⃣ U.S. Economic and Political Landscape: - Federal Reserve Chairman refrained from mentioning specific timelines for interest rate cuts - Improved prospects for Donald Trump's presidential bid weigh on oil prices due to expectations of pro-US drilling policies - High interest rates expected to continue until Q4 2024 - June ISM index below 50; July Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index at 66, an 8-month low 3️⃣ OPEC+ and Global Supply Dynamics: - OPEC+ plans to gradually phase out 2.2 million bpd voluntary cuts from October 2024 to September 2025 - OPEC June production at 33.9 million bpd, slightly above target - Russian crude exports fell to a 5-month low - Non-OPEC production at record highs 4️⃣ Demand Outlook: - IEA projects global oil demand growth to slow to 970,000 bpd in 2024 and 980,000 bpd in 2025 - U.S. summer driving season provides some support 5️⃣ Market Indicators: - U.S. crude inventories 4.4% below seasonal 5-year average - Active U.S. oil rigs fell to a 2-1/2 year low of 478 - Speculative net long positions in NY crude futures increased 1.4% to 283,894 contracts as of July 9, a 3-month high 💡 Despite these mixed signals, oil prices are currently experiencing a weakening trend at high levels. While OPEC+ production cuts and the U.S. summer travel season provide some support, factors such as China's economic weakness, potential easing of OPEC+ cuts in Q4, and progress in Israel-Hamas ceasefire negotiations limit further upside potential. $OIL $CL.AUG24 $CL.SEP24 $EuroOIL $Gasoline.FUT $HeatingOil.FUT $XOM (Exxon-Mobil) $CVX (Chevron) $SHEL (Shell PLC (ADR)) $SHEL.L (Shell PLC) $TTE (TotalEnergies SE-ADR) $TTE.PA (TotalEnergies SE) $COP (ConocoPhillips Co) $PBR (Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras-ADR) $PBR.A (Petroleo Brasileiro ADR) $BP.L.US $BP.L (BP)
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