Choosing who to copy is a complex decision, you want to know the history of the Popular Investor, the risk and you really want to know what’s his trading and investing strategy.
As our community gets bigger and more people join our Popular Investor program, we would like to analyse some of them, and we will randomly choose some Popular Investors to present their trading and investment strategy, as well as their risk behavior.
Meanwhile if you want to find more investors to copy, you can always use our People Discovery tool.
*The following data is correct as of June 2nd, 2015.
Meet Alvin DeCruz aka @AlvinDeCruz on eToro OpenBook. Mr. DeCruz lives in Singapore and is a Popular Investor on eToro.
Past performance does not guarantee future results. You should not rely on any past performance as a guarantee of future investment performance. Unit values and investment returns will fluctuate. Investors are cautioned that data based on less than five years’ experience may not be sufficient to establish a track record on which investment decisions can be based. This post is not investment advice. CFD trading bears risk to your capital.
Let’s hear what he has to say about his trading/investing strategy:
“I’m interested in the technology companies that create the best future for everyone.
My coping strategy is simple. Due to the volatility of the tech market, it’s easy to pinpoint when to buy low, and sell at the appropriate times. It’s not a 100% strategy, so I’ll hold stocks for a longer time should they be stagnant or lose a bit of money.
I’m primarily a long-term investor, so profits will come slow and steady.”
He currently holds a Risk Score of 4.
How do we calculate our risk score?
Let’s have a look at his current portfolio:
The first pie chart below shows the high level asset allocation. When you break this down you will see that Mr. DeCruz has built a great portfolio.
He also copies @StrategicTrader with 1.8% of his account, while the rest of his equity is invested in US stocks.
All of his account is invested, however due to his diversification his Risk Score remains very low.
This chart is a simulation of your equity if you’d have copied Mr. DeCruz with an investment of $1000 last year.
Past performance does not guarantee future results. You should not rely on any past performance as a guarantee of future investment performance. Unit values and investment returns will fluctuate. Investors are cautioned that data based on less than five years’ experience may not be sufficient to establish a track record on which investment decisions can be based. This post is not investment advice. CFD trading bears risk to your capital.
This update has been brought to you as part of a new initiative to give you a much deeper insight into the trading strategy of our Popular Investors.
Would you like to know more about our Popular Investors? Have an investor in mind for a future analysis? We would love to get your feedback, so make yourself heard in the comments below!
To find more investors to copy, you can always use our People Discovery tool.