Meet the ‘Market Leaders’ near you!

We are rolling out exciting new features to the OpenBook. One of them is ‘Market Leaders‘.

“Market Leaders” can be compared with popular services such as “foursquare”, where people can check-in and become mayors of venues. At eToro, the “Mayor” is actually a “Market Leader”…


How does it work?

1. Every Market (financial instrument) has its Market Leaders, from all over the world.

2. The leader of each market is the trader who achieves the highest amount of profitable trades, during the last 90 days, from every specific location. This means: If during the last 90 days you have made 125 profitable trades on GOLD, more than any other trader from the UK (your Country), it means that you are UK’s Market Leader of Gold!

3. You can easily browse the Market Leaders sections, accessible from the Market Pages. Easily switch locations either by using the top navigation bar (Enabling to browse World -> Continents -> Regions -> Countries) or by clicking the location links. Check the Market Leaders near by to see neighbour countries or regions. Start exploring the world!

But wait, there’s even more…  ‘Market Leaders’ are only the first type of a vast variety of ‘Badges’.

OpenBook “badges” will enable you to keep track and share your achievements based on your performance and will increase your engagement with other users across the OpenBook network.

What are you waiting for? Meet the Market Leaders near you, and become a leader now!